This current research is constituted by the sonic analysis of the acoustic territories built by the cultural spatial codes embedded in sonic environments from diverse communities in two major cities: NYC and Chicago, delimited with geographically segregated enclaves. The project explores the multiple possibilities of the soundwalk and Rhythmanalysis, as tools of cultural spatial code analysis, in the awareness of the urban changes and their cultural/acoustic content. The sound materials such as recordings, conversations, and cartography workshops, are the result of multiple group soundwalks developed with participants who live or work in Sunset Park, Brooklyn and Pilsen, and Little Village in Chicago. My observations and use of the soundwalk as a pedagogical and collective tool of urban analysis has been presented in multiples conferences in international academic settings.
February 2017
FOOT Festival Sounding the Inner Ear of Performance, University of Toronto
April 2017
Invisible Places Conference at Sao Miguel de Azores University, Portugal
August 2017
Balance-Unbalance Conference, Plymouth University, UK
Advances In Eco-Sensing and the Soundscape: A Virtual Panel
Megapolis Sound Festival, Philly Camp, Philadelphia
Workshop: Sonic Mapping of Chinatown: a soundwalk across cultural borders
October 2017
Hemi GSI Convergence 2017 at York University, Toronto, Canada
Workshop: Sensoriality and the City, Cartographies of Subjectivity.
Great Lakes Association for Sound Studies (GLASS) Fall Conference
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Experimental and Foundation Studies
Connecticut College, Sound Art Class